Professional Experience
II was born in Budapest—1932 Dec. 10 by parents not well accepted in a communistic system: my mother Magdalena Muranyi daughter of State Nyir's governor (Főispán) my father Victor Pohl chairman of the Hungarian National-Bank. Of course, I was not accepted at any university because of my heritage... so I learned a trade as a mechanic. In the first year as tradesman, I became a celebrated communistic idol a "Stahanovist" (through my work efficiency) which opened all doors to universities. I graduated at the Budapest Pedagogic University Mathematic & Physic Faculty in early 1956. In July same year I was arrested and as a political prisoner, I experienced all the horrors of Fő utca Military Prison (because I was Officer of Reserve as all University Graduates) - Andrássy út finally Markó. My sentencing date was December 10 -- but in October I was freed and became an active fighting member of the II. district council. In December I crossed over the Austrian border with my fighting group retracting from the Russian invasion. Next year in absence I was sentenced to death, hanging by the neck as appreciation from the Kádár communistic regime at home. Free in the West in January 1957 I received a Ford scholarship at the Aachen (West-Germany) university, Mechanical Engineering Faculty and graduated in 1970. The next 40 years I traveled the world mostly through my business. In the eighties, we (my wife and me) were invited to America as some of our research work became public. In the meantime, I received the third citizenship (Hungarian, German, American) and settled in Virginia where we are running our own research institute in the field of Environmental Technologies. Next to my duties as Institute Chairman, I am voluntary rescue pilot for the American Red Cross which makes my old days colorful.
Andrew Peter Pohl